Healthy, cheap & easy to make smoothies

Daca urmariti bloguri consacrate, atat autohtone, cat si din strainatate, sau daca sunteti cat de cat interesati de diete, detoxuri si beauty-boost, atunci ati vazut cu siguranta multe articole despre smoothie-uri si alte bauturi din fructe si legume. Aceste smoothie-uri se gasesc peste tot: prin supermarketuri, in cafenele si pot fi chiar si comandate online. Singura problema este ca pot fi cam scumpe si nu toata lumea doreste sa dea sute de lei (da, chiar asa) pe cateva sticle mici de suc, chiar daca sunt sanatoase si benefice. Astfel, m-am gandit sa va prezint astazi cateva idei de smoothie-uri simple si facute din fructe si legume pe care le gasiti usor. Cei care ma cunosc stiu ca beau foarte des astfel de bauturi, nu doar pentru efectele benefice pe care le au asupra organismului, ci si pentru ca sunt super gustoase.

If you follow well-known blogs or if you are at least a bit interested in diets, detox or beauty-boost cleanses, then you must have seen the very large amount of articles on smoothies and other beverages made out of fruits and veggies. These smoothies can be found everywhere: in supermarkets, in cafes and can be ordered even online. The only problem is that they may be a little overpriced and not everyone wants to throw a lot of money on a few small bottles of juice, even though it’s healthy and benefits the body. Therefore, I thought about coming up with a few smoothie ideas that are simple and made out of fruits and vegetables that can be found very easy. People who know me also know that I drink natural beverages very often, not only because of the great effects they have on the organism, but also for the terrific taste. … More Healthy, cheap & easy to make smoothies