Ripped jeans and nude hues

Stiti acel sentiment cand iti achiztionez o noua pereche de papuci si abia astepti sa ii porti? Mie mi se intampla foarte des. Asa mi s-a intamplat si zilele acestea cand a venit curierul sa imi livreze comanda. Am platit, am semnat pentru primire si am intrat in casa nerabdatoare sa desfac coletul. Am fost super incantata sa vad ca sandalele pe care le-am comandat de pe site-ul Bfashion sunt chiar mai frumoase in realitate decat in poza de pe site. De la aceste sandale a pornit si outfitul de azi.

Do you know that feeling you get when you buy a new pair of shoes and you can’t wait to wear them? I get that a lot. It happened to me again these days when the delivery guy showed up with my order. I payed, signed for receiving and went inside impatient to open the package. I was super happy to see that the sandals I ordered on Bfashion were even prettier in reality than on the site. The outfit I wore today started from these awesome sandals.


Chiar daca vremea urata si zilele ploioase au cam trecut, soarele si-a facut din nou timid aparitia, cativa nori par sa nu vrea inca sa plece. Tinuta pe care am ales sa o port astazi a fost in ton cu vremea. Culorile neutre sunt preferatele mele si merg perfect cu temperaturile din perioada aceasta. Camasa vaporoasa a fost o alegere perfecta intrucat nu mi-a fost prea cald cu ea, la fel si blugii skinny rupti pe care ii iubesc de cand am pus ochii pe ei.

Even tough the ugly weather and  the rainy days are almost gone, the sun started to shine again, some clouds seem that they don’t want to leave. The look I chose for today is perfect for this weather. the neutral colors are my all time faves and they go hand in hand with the temperatures in this period. The loose shirt was a great choice due to the fact that I wasn’t too hot wearing it, and so were the skinny ripped jeans that I fell in love with ever since I laid my eyes on them.




De obicei cand merg la plimbare sau cand stiu ca am de parcurs mai multi kilometri intr-o zi, aleg sa port papuci cu talpa joasa, insa de aceasta data am optat pentru aceste sandale cu toc care, surprinzator, s-au dovedit a fi super comode si usoare, datorita tocului gros si a platformei. Imi place cum arata incaltate si se potrivesc de minune cu multe piese vestimentare, dar pe mine m-a cucerit combinatia cu acesti blugi rupti. Mi se pare ca acesti papuci scot din anonimat tinuta si o fac sa para foarte relaxata, dar totusi chic.

Usually when I go on a walk or when I have a lot to go by foot, I choose flat shoes, but this time I chose these high heeled sandals that surprisingly are very comfy because of the chunky heel and the platform. I love how they look on and how great they go with so many clothes, especially combined with the ripped jeans. I believe that these shoes make this outfit look very relaxed but still chic.



Tinuta aceasta este printre preferatele mele in momentul actual. Este simpla si totusi de efect, poate fi alcatuita de oricare dintre voi deoarece orice fata trebuie sa detina o pereche de blugi skinny (chiar daca nu sunt rupti), o camasa in tonuri de bej si o geanta alba oversized. Daca tot ce va lipseste sunt sandalele albe, le puteti comanda acum (link la sfarsitul postului).

This outfit is one of my favourites at this moment. It’s simple, yet stylish and can be put together by each and every one of you. I believe every girl has a pair of skinny jeans (even if they are not ripped), a nude or beige shirt and a white oversized bag. If what you are missing are the sandals, you can order them right now (link at the end of the post).



De cativa ani obisnuiesc sa cumpar pantofi cu toc la preturi cat mai reduse deoarece ajung sa ii port de foarte putine ori, altii chiar deloc. Din acest motiv m-am bucurat sa gasesc site-ul pe care l-am mentionat mai sus deoarece au o multime de modele la preturi foarte bune, iar pana acum tot ce am comandat nu m-a dezamagit din punctul de vedere al calitatii. Doresc sa mentionez ca niciodata nu voi promova produse care nu imi sunt pe plac sau de care nu sunt multumita, facand astfel o reclama falsa. Pinky promise, haha 🙂

For a few years now I got used to buying high heels that are inexpensive or on sale because I only wear them a couple of times or maybe never. This is why I was happy to find this site I mentioned earlier because they have a lot of great shoes at awesome prices and I have to say I was never disappointed by the quality. I want to mention that I will never promote products that I do not like or that I am not happy with. Pinky promise, haha 🙂




Jeans – ZARA

Sandals – Bfashion ( here )  ON SALE!!

Shirt – Warehouse

Bag – similar here

Stay tuned for upcoming posts!

With Love!

8 thoughts on “Ripped jeans and nude hues

  1. this is such a cool look!! I love your jeans and shoes 🙂
    Instagram: the_ch1ara

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