Cum să călătorești cu bani puțini? PART 2.

Dacă în articolul anterior v-am vorbit mai mult despre transport, de data aceasta mă voi axa pe partea de accommodation (cazare) a unei vacanțe (și nu numai). Desigur că ar fi minunat să ne permitem cu toții să ne cazăm la hoteluri luxoase, însă dacă stai să te gândești, nu mergi în vacanță ca să … More Cum să călătorești cu bani puțini? PART 2.

Fall favourites: Pastels and ankleboots

Intotdeauna mi-am dorit ca toamna sa fie asa ca in pozele de pe Pinterest: pamantul acoperit cu un covor de fruze, vreme racoroasa, insa fara noroi, ploi si furtuni. In sfarsit m-am putut bucura de o toamna in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, presarata cu frunze galbene si raze blande de soare. Am putut sa port pulovere pufoase, sa ma plimb prin parc, si sa fac muuulte poze. Sper ca vremea sa ramana tot asa, macar pentru inca o saptamana (doua, trei…). Tocmai pentru ca nu a fost chiar atat de frig pe timp de zi, m-am bucurat ca pot sa port jacheta de culoare roz pastel, care mi-e foarte draga. Printre trendurile sezonului toamna-iarna se regasesc si pastelurile, ceea ce ma incanta deoarece, dupa cum v-am spus si intr-o postare mai veche, iubesc nuantele si culorile pastelate.

I always wished for a fall like I’ve seen in Pinterest photos: the earth covered in leaves, chilly weather, but without all the mud, rain and storms. Finally I could enjoy an autumn like it should be, filled with yellow leaves and gentle sunshine. I had a chance to wear cozy sweaters, take walks in the park and take a looot of photos. I really hope the weather stays the same for at least a week (or two, or three…). Due to the fact that it wasn’t really cold during daytime I could wear the pastel pink jacket that I love. Among the trends for fall-winter we can find pastels, which is great because just like I told you in one of my previous posts, I really love pastels. … More Fall favourites: Pastels and ankleboots

Innovative fashion: 3D printed clothing & accessories

Tehnologia printarii 3D isi face incet, dar sigur, loc in lumea modei. Din ce in ce mai multe brand-uri cunoscute se folosesc de aceasta tehnologie in crearea articolelor de imbracaminte si accesoriilor. O idee noua, revolutionara, o inovatie in fashion, care permite designerilor sa duca imbracamintea la un alt nivel.

The technology of 3D printing is slowly but surely entering the world of fashion. More and more well-known brands are using this technology in creating garments and accessories. A new and revolutionary idea, an innovation that allows designers to take clothing to the next level. … More Innovative fashion: 3D printed clothing & accessories

How to get the perfect dress for your event

Atunci cand vine vorba de un eveniment important, noi fetele, dorim sa stralucim si sa avem o tinuta demna de covorul rosu. Fie ca este vorba de bal, banchet, o zi de nastere sau o invitatie la nunta sau la botez, alegerea rochiei potrivite este un aspect important. Cand suntem in febra cautarii unei rochii perfecte, trebuie sa avem grija ca pe langa aspect, aceasta sa ofere si libertate de miscare si confort, pentru a dansa in voie pana in zori de zi. Saptamana trecuta am fost invitata la un eveniment important din viata unor buni prieteni si mi-a venit ideea sa scriu un articol despre alegerea rochiei perfecte in speranta ca va fi de folos catorva dintre voi. Ce am purtat la acest eveniment puteti vedea mai jos.

When it comes to an important event, us girls, want to shine and have a look worthy of the red carpet. Whether we’re talking about prom, birthdays, weddings or even baby shower parties, choosing the right dress is an important thing. When we’re in the fever of looking for the perfect dress we have to consider not only looking good, but also being comfy and able to move so we can dance freely until the break of dawn. Last week I was invited to an important event for my good friends and I got the idea of writing an article about choosing the perfect dress, hoping it will come in handy for some of you. What I wore at the event, you can see below. … More How to get the perfect dress for your event

Urban look with biker jacket and cut-out boots

Nu mai este de mult un secret faptul ca jachetele din piele (sau imitatie) sunt foarte in voga. Pe oriunde aruncam o privire este imposibil sa nu vedem cel putin o persoana care sa poarte o astfel de piesa vestimentara. Disponibile in sute sau chiar mii de modele, culori si stiluri, aceste jachete sunt un must-have in acest sezon si nu numai. De ce ar trebui sa detii una? Pentru ca sunt stylish, versatile, pot fi purtate intr-o multime de combinatii si stiluri, si ofera un aer tineresc unei tinute. Dintre toate modelele de jachete de piele, cele tip biker sunt cu siguranta preferatele mele. Deja mi-am achizitionat trei, iar pe una am sa v-o arat in acest articol, impreuna cu un mod super simplu de a o purta.

There’s no secret that leather jackets (or faux leather jackets) are very in right now. Anywhere we look it’s impossible not to spot at least a person wearing one. Available in hundreds or even thousands of shapes, colors and styles, these jackets are a must-have, and not only this season. Why should you one? Well…because they’re stylish, versatile, can be worn in a large variety of combos and styles and give any look a “younger” appearance. From all the leather jackets types that are available, I have to say that biker ones are my favorite. I already purchased three, and I’m gonna show you one of them today and also a very easy way to style it. … More Urban look with biker jacket and cut-out boots

Healthy, cheap & easy to make smoothies

Daca urmariti bloguri consacrate, atat autohtone, cat si din strainatate, sau daca sunteti cat de cat interesati de diete, detoxuri si beauty-boost, atunci ati vazut cu siguranta multe articole despre smoothie-uri si alte bauturi din fructe si legume. Aceste smoothie-uri se gasesc peste tot: prin supermarketuri, in cafenele si pot fi chiar si comandate online. Singura problema este ca pot fi cam scumpe si nu toata lumea doreste sa dea sute de lei (da, chiar asa) pe cateva sticle mici de suc, chiar daca sunt sanatoase si benefice. Astfel, m-am gandit sa va prezint astazi cateva idei de smoothie-uri simple si facute din fructe si legume pe care le gasiti usor. Cei care ma cunosc stiu ca beau foarte des astfel de bauturi, nu doar pentru efectele benefice pe care le au asupra organismului, ci si pentru ca sunt super gustoase.

If you follow well-known blogs or if you are at least a bit interested in diets, detox or beauty-boost cleanses, then you must have seen the very large amount of articles on smoothies and other beverages made out of fruits and veggies. These smoothies can be found everywhere: in supermarkets, in cafes and can be ordered even online. The only problem is that they may be a little overpriced and not everyone wants to throw a lot of money on a few small bottles of juice, even though it’s healthy and benefits the body. Therefore, I thought about coming up with a few smoothie ideas that are simple and made out of fruits and vegetables that can be found very easy. People who know me also know that I drink natural beverages very often, not only because of the great effects they have on the organism, but also for the terrific taste. … More Healthy, cheap & easy to make smoothies

Sporty casual street style look

Au trecut putin mai bine de doua saptamani de la ultima postare, desi cand mi-am facut blogul am intentionat sa postez cel putin o data pe saptamana. Am fost destul de ocupata cu diferite treburi si in plus nici vremea de afara nu a prea fost potrivita pentru a poza o noua tinuta. Cu scuzele de rigoare pentru intarziere, revin azi cu o tinuta sporty casual, cat se poate de simpla, comoda si potrivita in multe situatii. Fie ca e vorba de o zi de scoala sau facultate, o plimbare prin oras, o iesire la mall sau orice alta activitate de acest gen, stilul casual cu accente sport este cea mai buna alegere.

It’s been more than two weeks since my last post, although when I started this blog my intention was to post at least once a week. I’ve been pretty busy with all sorts of stuff and, moreover, the weather wasn’t really perfect for shooting a new outfit. With the appropriate apologies, I’m here now with a sporty casual outfit, that is simple, comfy and perfect for many situations. Whether we are talking about a day of school or college, a walk in the city, going to the mall or any activity of this kind, casual style with sporty accents is the best choice. … More Sporty casual street style look

Ripped jeans and nude hues

Stiti acel sentiment cand iti achiztionez o noua pereche de papuci si abia astepti sa ii porti? Mie mi se intampla foarte des. Asa mi s-a intamplat si zilele acestea cand a venit curierul sa imi livreze comanda. Am platit, am semnat pentru primire si am intrat in casa nerabdatoare sa desfac coletul. Am fost super incantata sa vad ca sandalele pe care le-am comandat de pe site-ul Bfashion sunt chiar mai frumoase in realitate decat in poza de pe site. De la aceste sandale a pornit si outfitul de azi.
Do you know that feeling you get when you buy a new pair of shoes and you can’t wait to wear them? I get that a lot. It happened to me again these days when the delivery guy showed up with my order. I payed, signed for receiving and went inside impatient to open the package. I was super happy to see that the sandals I ordered on Bfashion were even prettier in reality than on the site. The outfit I wore today started from these awesome sandals. … More Ripped jeans and nude hues

Yellow and leopard print

Animal printul este o alegere indrazneata de care multa lume se fereste. In timp ce pentru unele persoane, acest tip de imprimeu reprezinta o alegere doar pentru Halloween, pentru altele se claseaza chiar printre preferate. Intr-adevar, imprimeul animal nu este intotdeauna subtil, insa tinand cont ca (in mod normal) este format din tonuri de bej, negru, alb si maro, poate fi purtat in orice sezon si in foarte multe combinatii sau stiluri.
Animal print is a daring choice that a lot of people seem to avoid. While for some this print is only a go-to for Halloween, for others is a favorite. It is true: animal print isn’t always very subtle, but given the fact that normally these prints have the colors beige, black, white and brown, it can be worn in any season and in various combos and styles. … More Yellow and leopard print

Street look with Fedora hat and printed top

Palariile sunt un accesoriu statement in moda, acestea putand scoate din anonimat orice tinuta. Exista mai multe tipuri de palarii (palariile cowboy, mini-palarii, palarii victoriene, de plaja, etc.), insa de departe cele mai purtate si indragite de iubitoarele de moda sunt palariile Fedora. Mie imi place foarte mult sa port palarii atat vara, cat si in sezoanele mai reci deoarece dau un vibe foarte chic outfiturilor. Ceea ce nu ma incanta, insa, este faptul ca multi oameni privesc palariile cu un ochi sceptic, spunand ca sunt “invechite” sau “ciudate”. Nimic mai gresit.

Hats are a statement item in fashion that can bring a cool look to any outfit. There are many hat types (cowboy hats, mini-hats, victorian and beach hats, etc.), but by far the most worn and loved is the Fedora hat. I love wearing hats, and not only in summer, but also in colder seasons because they give a chic vibe to my look. One thing that I don’t like is that people are skeptic about hats saying that these are “weird” and “obsolete”. They couldn’t be more wrong. … More Street look with Fedora hat and printed top

Floral printed skirt and white basics

Ati observat vreodata ca exista cateva trenduri care par sa nu treaca niciodata? (cum ar fi pantalonii skinny, the “little black dress”) Printre aceste trenduri se numara si piesele vestimentare cu imprimeu floral. Prezente pe podiumuri, la prezentari de moda si in colectiile celor mai cunoscuti designeri, nu mai e niciun secret ca imprimeurile florale sunt in voga deja de cativa ani. Oriunde arunci o privire, motivele si imprimeurile florale iti capteaza atentia in orice anotimp, dar mai ales in sezonul primavara-vara. Pentru fashionistele carora le place sa abordeze un stil cat mai feminin, acest tip de imprimeu este prima alegere indiferent de ocazie. Secretul sa fie oare faptul ca sunt atat de versatile?

Have you ever noticed that there are some trends that seem to never go out of style? (e.g. skinny jeans, the LBD). Among these trends we can find the floral print. Up there on catwalks, at fashion shows and in the collections of the best known designers, there’s no secret that floral prints have been in for a few years now. Anywhere you look, florals catch your eye in every season, especially in spring-summer. For the fashionistas that like to go for a girly, feminine style, this print is the first go-to no matter the occasion. Is the fact that florals are so versatile the secret? … More Floral printed skirt and white basics

Striped crop top and a touch of leopard print

E cald peste tot…si cand zic cald, zic foaaarte cald. Pe strada, in casa, in masina, sau oriunde m-as afla par sa fie minim 40 de grade. Aliatul meu numarul 1 pe o asa canicula este apa cu lamaie, dar nu-i destul, asa ca pentru a face fata temperaturilor, tinutele pe care le aleg trebuie sa fie cat mai simple, subtiri si din materiale cat mai usoare. Tocmai din acest motiv ma bucur de faptul ca (,) crop topurile sunt in in acest sezon. Purtate cu pantaloni, fustite sau pantaloni scurti cu talie inalta, crop topurile sunt piesele mele vestimentare favorite pentru aceasta vara.

Everywhere I go it’s hot…and when I say hot, I mean really hot. On the street, in the house, in the car or everywhere, there seem to be at least 40 degrees Celsius. My number 1 ally on such a hot weather is lemon water, but since that’s not enough to handle the heat, I choose simple outfits, made from light materials. This is the reason why I’m so glad crop tops are in right now. They can be wore with pants, skirts and high waisted shorts, crop tops are my favorite clothing items this summer. … More Striped crop top and a touch of leopard print

Girly powder pink

Cand vine vorba de tinute simple si feminine, cu siguranta nu putem da gres purtand culori pastelate. Preferata mea dintre aceste culori este cu siguranta rozul pastel (altfel numit si baby sau powder pink). Ce alta culoare poate fi mai feminina decat rozul? Desigur, rozul e culoarea pe care cu toate am preferat-o in copilarie, des asociata cu papusile Barbie, printesele si alte astfel de lucruri copilaresti, insa se pare ca rozul pastel este preferat de din ce in ce mai multe femei.

When talking about girly outfits, we sure can’t go wrong wearing pastel colours. If I had to choose, my favourite pastel would certainly be the baby (or powder if you prefer) pink. What other colur could be more feminine than pink? of course, pink is the shade we all wore when we were little girls, often associated with Barbie dolls, princesses and other child-like stuff, but in spite of all this it seems that pastel pink is more and more appreciated by women. … More Girly powder pink

Casual with damaged boyfriend jeans

Daca nu detineti inca o pereche de Boyfriend jeans, fuga la shopping! Una din cele mai indragite piese vestimentare in ultimii ani, pare sa prinda din ce in ce mai mult teren printre impatimitele de fashion. Vedetele si fashion bloggerii ii poarta in combinatii de la elegant, la casual, la sporty deoarece sunt extrem de usor de asortat si se potrivesc in nenumarate combinatii. Tocmai din acest motiv mi-am achizitionat si eu o pereche si am fost placut surprinsa cand am realizat ca ii pot potrivi la jumatate din hainele pe care le am in garderoba. V-am convins deja?

If you don’t already own a pair of boyfriend jeans, it’s time to go shopping this instant! One of the most popular clothing items in the last couple of years seems to be getting more and more recognition among fashionistas. Stars and fashion bloggers wear boyfriend jeans in outfits that vary from elegant, to casual, to sporty due to the fact that they are so easy to style and work in so many combinations. This is exactly the reason I bought myself a pair and I was pleasantly surprised when I realized they go with half the items in my dressing. Have I convinced you yet?
More Casual with damaged boyfriend jeans

Welcome to my blog! | Bine ai venit be blogul meu!

Dupa sute de cuvinte scrise, sterse si apoi rescrise, am ajuns in sfarsit la primul meu articol. Ideea de blog mi-a suras de mult timp, insa de fiecare data cand incepeam sa scriu, mi se parea ca nu-i momentul potrivit, ca ceva nu e la locul lui, iar astfel m-am luptat cu gandurile ce nu voiau sa fie asternute in cuvinte. Dar uite ca intr-un final am reusit.

Inca de mica mi-a placut sa port pantofii cu toc ai mamei si rochiile ei cu paiete sclipitoare. Ma certam cu mama sa imi cumpere rochite cat mai viu colorate si le purtam asortandu-le cu un zambet larg de copil. Mai tarziu, insa, am lasat deoparte rochitele pentru treninguri si adidasi, uitand de frumusetea hainelor viu colorate. Dar cum “prima dragoste nu se uita niciodata”, pe la 15-16 ani am inceput sa indragesc din nou hainele pastelate, rochitele si…revistele de moda. Acum pot spune cu mana pe inima ca sunt mai fericita cand fac cumparaturi si defilez in noul outfit prin fata oglinzii si imi place sa jonglez cu piesele vestimentare si sa le combin in cat mai multe moduri. … More Welcome to my blog! | Bine ai venit be blogul meu!